What’s in a Name?

On Friday September 13, a golden retriever pup came to us when she was eight weeks old. Arriving at the name that we hoped would fit her perfectly was no easy task. Names are important and I wanted to get it right. For some of us our names hold a story or two. One place […]
The Search for Sanctuary

After Jack’s careful and lengthy adherence to the best way to grow grass under the shade of a maple tree, we conceded to the grass-eating slugs. In response, I planted an indigenous garden. The ground covers that did the best were Variegated Goutweed and Lily of the Valley. I chose plants that I knew would […]
Life Lessons

from my Canine Companions I grew up with dogs. My father did too. Everyone in our extended family holds a kinship to canines. There’s no surprise my father is a dog whisperer. The dogs in my family were Tippy, Nipper, Hobo, Bear, Kylie and Jennifer. And I learned from each of them. Tippy was a […]